
2008-02-23 08:21:10来源:互联网 阅读 ()


where is the IP address. If you only specify 1 or 2 of the groups of numbers, you will allow a whole range.


If you want to deny everyone from accessing a directory, you can use:


deny from all
but this will still allow scripts to use the files in the directory.


Alternative Index Files 替代的index文档

You may not always want to use index.htm or index.html as your index file for a directory, for example if you are using PHP files in your site, you may want index.php to be the index file for a directory. You are not limited to 'index' files though. Using .htaccess you can set foofoo.blah to be your index file if you want to!

也许您不想一直使用index.htm或index.html来作为目录的索引文档,例如您的站点使用PHP文档,您会想使用 index.php来作为该目录的索引文档。当然也不必局限于“index”文档,假如您愿意,您尽管使用foofoo.balh来作为您的索引文档!

Alternate index files are entered in a list. The server will work from left to right, checking to see if each file exists, if none of them exisit it will display a directory listing (unless, of course, you have turned this off).


DirectoryIndex index.php index.php3 index.html index.htm
Redirection 重新指向

One of the most useful functions of the .htaccess file is to redirect requests to different files, either on the same server, or on a completely different web site. It can be extremely useful if you change the name of one of your files but allow users to still find it. Another use (which I find very useful) is to redirect to a longer URL, for example in my newsletters I can use a very short URL for my affiliate links. The following can be done to redirect a specific file:


Redirect /location/from/root/file.ext
In this above example, a file in the root directory called oldfile.html would be entered as:


and a file in the old subdirectory would be entered as:


You can also redirect whole directoires of your site using the .htaccess file, for example if you had a directory called olddirectory on your site and you had set up the same files on a new site at: you could redirect all the files in that directory without having to specify each one:


Redirect /olddirectory
Then, any request to your site below /olddirectory will bee redirected to the new site, with the
extra information in the URL added on, for example if someone typed in:

They would be redirected to:

This can prove to be extremely powerful if used correctly.


Part 3 – 密码保护

Introduction 介绍

Although there are many uses of the .htaccess file, by far the most popular, and probably most useful, is being able to relaibly password protect directories on websites. Although JavaScript etc. can also be used to do this, only .htaccess has total security (as someone must know the password to get into the directory, there are no 'back doors')


The .htaccess File

Adding password protection to a directory using .htaccess takes two stages. The first part is to add the appropriate lines to your .htaccess file in the directory you would like to protect. Everything below this directory will be password protected:



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